Excellent post! I visited Costa Rica when I was a teen, and the family I was staying with had just installed their first water heater and were finally able to enjoy a hot shower. People should travel more often so they can appreciate how amazing America truly is. (Note-I love CR and the incredible people. Just wouldn't want to live there lol)

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So true. People go to resorts and call it travel. Once people actually mingle with locals only then do the differences become clear

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Very much this!

After traveling abroad I sometimes want to grab other Americans and shake them. "You have no idea how good we have it here! Our poor are wealthier than the rich in many lands!"

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All this and you DON'T include the infamous Captain America panel? ;)


I was reading a review of the Bollywood film RRR and a line the reviewer made always stuck by me:

"In the same way it cheers the honest heart to see a stranger truly and dearly love wife and child, so it is to see a foreign patriot love a nation not one’s own."

I find it sad that nowadays there seems to be this belief that to love one thing means you must hate another. I do not begrudge anyone their homeland or nation. Indeed, I find myself moved to see someone love their home just as I love mine. Why not let every homeland be distinct and... diverse?

I've also been to other countries (It was horrifying to see what communism had done to Russia) and I appreciated my time there and felt honored that the citizens let me be a guest. But i still want to go home eventually.

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I love that panel :) I only ever read X-Men comics so there’s a lot of gems I haven’t seen.

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Unruly and proud, and proud to be unruly; the Americans are a free people not to be trifled with.

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This very much helps to articulate why the Superman debate is important!

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Its interesting how obviously different you guys are too Canadians, even a stones throw away from Vancouver to Seattle.

I am Australian, I like to think we are closer to you guys, that part about the lockdowns hurt a little

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Up until the lockdowns, I viewed Aussies as our down under twins. But then when everything went down (and learning about the long-ago gun buyback) I saw there was at least one massive difference

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I truly think our political class is one of the worst in the world. And yeah, generally the people are much softer than they try to present as

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