This made me think of the movie Signs. I didn’t see Daredevil but it sounds like Matt Murdock was met with a similar dilemma. When we come to our very own tree of knowledge of good and evil, what will we choose? It’s in those moments, big or small, that we will be shaped. For good or for ill until, to paraphrase CS Lewis in The Weight of Glory, we become either beings so glorious there’d be a temptation to worship or beings more horrible than any nightmare. There are no mere mortals. Love your posts, Kristin!
This made me think of the movie Signs. I didn’t see Daredevil but it sounds like Matt Murdock was met with a similar dilemma. When we come to our very own tree of knowledge of good and evil, what will we choose? It’s in those moments, big or small, that we will be shaped. For good or for ill until, to paraphrase CS Lewis in The Weight of Glory, we become either beings so glorious there’d be a temptation to worship or beings more horrible than any nightmare. There are no mere mortals. Love your posts, Kristin!
There are a lot of parallels in Signs and Daredevil. That's an excellent comparison I never thought of before!