"movie novelization" -- wait there is one for Alien Prometheus? I cant find it?

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There was an unofficial Japanese movie novelization plus two officially licensed “story continuations” to try and clear up the issues of the hackneyed film editing. Pretty sure they’re out of print but can still be found on Thriftbooks: https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/fire-and-stone-prometheus_paul-tobin/13897169/item/28243098/

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"Is it God we follow? Is it God we love? Or is it just the stories?"

Swoooooooooooon!! 🤩🤩🤩

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The power of stories can be a double-edged sword

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My first response after watching Prometheus - huh?

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Ditto. I thought there was a reel missing. Maybe two. Or three. A 4-hour movie, cut and edited (poorly, I might add) into 2-1/2.

Not every question has to be answered, except in Hollywood, where every cow must be milked until it's dry, dry, dry. Hollywood is great at taking the joy and mystery out of everything.

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Just watched Alien Covenant. Ho Hum… I would like a prequel to Prometheus to explain why the “creator” decided to kill us off.

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In my Epic Fantasy series, there is a lot of religion and faith-based discussion and events. And I've always wondered, even long before this, why "we" think Christianity is any more valid than any of the other religions that predate it, or have arisen since.

People say "we have the Bible". Okay. We also have thousands (probably millions) of references in older texts and scrolls and carvings of other deities, other worship systems, other followings, long before the God of the Bible appeared, or Jesus walked the Earth. Are they all invalid? If so, why? I'm from Missouri: Show Me.

"Religion" is a man-made thing. It has little to do with true faith and belief.

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Interesting... This is definitely an idea worth exploring. It makes me wonder if this is what Shatner was going for in The Final Frontier. Also, I clearly need to watch Prometheus again.

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